Food Service
The Colchester Food Network provides three to five days’ worth of emergency food for those who need assistance.
There are two ways to access the Food Bank: Walk-in Service or Client Choice Market Appointment
The Colchester Food Network provides three to five days’ worth of emergency food for those who need assistance.
There are two ways to access the Food Bank: Walk-in Service or Client Choice Market Appointment
People who need food assistance may walk-in on Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 1:00PM and 4:00PM. Some statistical information is collected at registration and then you can select food items from a menu board. Volunteers will then fill your order and you can pick up at our back door.
The Client Choice Market first opened in August 2023. This “free store” service allows clients to make an appointment or walk-in on Mon. Wed. or Fri. between 1P and 4P to select all of the food items that they would like for themselves and their family. Clients are assigned points based on the size of the family which can be used like currency to purchase food items within the market.